Monday, May 17, 2010

In the news by Karen Franklin PhD: Brain research: Hippocampus hot, fMRI not

In the news by Karen Franklin PhD:

Another great post from Karen Franklin, from her Blog 'In the News'

"Brain research: Hippocampus hot, fMRI not
Court bans fMRI lie detection evidence

fMRI lie detection has been hailed as a technological breakthrough that could revolutionize legal cases by providing hard evidence about who is lying and who is telling the truth. But judges, not convinced of the brain scan's real-world validity, are just saying no.

Whereas general research about the fMRI has been admitted in the sentencing phase of some criminal trials, fMRI data has yet to be allowed in either the civil or criminal arenas as evidence of an individual's veracity."

Click here to view her post.

1 comment:

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