Friday, October 29, 2010

Privatized prisons in Arizona helped draft laws to send people to prison - Boing Boing

Privatized prisons in Arizona helped draft laws to send people to prison - Boing Boing:
"Privatized prisons in Arizona helped draft laws to send people to prison

Sean Bonner at 4:10 PM Thursday, Oct 28, 2010 Sean Bonner is one of the guys behind Metblogs, Neoteny Labs, Crash Space and has previously been involved with art galleries and record labels of the punk rock variety. The story of industries paying lobbyists to influence legislation that benefits their business is nothing new—but what about when that industry is a privately-owned and operated prison system"

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Report: Abuser at half of Chicago parishes -

Report: Abuser at half of Chicago parishes - "CHICAGO, Oct. 12 (UPI) -- More than half the 400 Catholic parishes in the Chicago archdiocese have had at least one priest who had been accused of abuse, survivors' groups say.

The Chicagoland Voice of the Faithful, Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests and African American Advocates for Victims of Clergy Sexual Abuse released their report Monday, the Chicago Sun-Times reported. They determined at least 97 priests in the archdiocese had been accused of sexual molestation and followed their assignments around the archdiocese."